Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Hidden Fermi liquid theory

This week I have been re-reading Phil Anderson's paper,  The `strange metal' is a Fermi liquid with edge singularities. Here is a brief summary of some of the main things I gleaned from the paper. The question is:
What is the nature of the excitations (and one-electron Greens function) of the Hubbard model in the infinite-U limit and for large dopings (perhaps x greater than 0.3) above which superconductivity occurs?
Anderson claims:
  • the strong interactions lead to a significant particle-hole asymmetry [which should be visible in tunneling spectra] 
  • excitations exhibit anomalous forward scattering
  • the quasi-particle weight Z vanishes on the Fermi surface
  • there is  a formal similarity of this problem with that of Fermi-edge singularities in the X-ray spectra of metals, where the one-electron Greens function has a power law decay associated with the phase shift from an infinite potential.
  • A simple argument (exploiting the Friedel sum rule) gives the main quantitative prediction of the theory a value for the doping (x) dependence of the exponent
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  • a power-law frequency dependence of the optical conductivityUnfortunately we are unable to provide accessible alternative text for this. If you require assistance to access this image, or to obtain a text description, please contact
  • this theory may have some similarities to one of Norman and Chubukov.
  • Quasiparticles emerge in the superconducting and pseudogap states: "But above T* and above the gap energy the quasiparticles experience power-law decay: essentially, the line of quasiparticle poles turns into a cut in the complex  plane."

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ross,

    It's my understanding that allowing for finite mass (dispersion) of the scatterer in the X-ray edge problem cuts off the divergences giving rise to orthogonality and restores a finite residue.

    See for instance "The effect of recoil on edge singularities", P. Nozières J. Phys. I France 4 (1994) 1275-1280


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