Thursday, February 23, 2012

Overdoped cuprates are an anisotropic marginal Fermi liquid II

Jure Kokalj, Nigel Hussey, and I have just completed a paper, Transport properties of the metallic state of overdoped cuprate superconductors from an anisotropic marginal Fermi liquid model.

We show how a relatively simple model self-energy [considered earlier in this PRL] gives a nice quantitative description of a wide range of experimental results on Tl2201 including intra-layer resistivity, frequency-dependent conductivity, and the Hall resistance. No new parameters are introduced beyond those needed to describe angle-dependent magnetoresistance experiments from Nigel's group.

One thing I found striking was just how sensitive the Hall conductivity is to anisotropies in the Fermi surface and the scattering rate [a point emphasized by Ong with his beautiful geometric interpretation].
We also show that our model self-energy successfully describes both the resistivity (with a significant linear in temperature T dependence) and the Hall angle ( ~T^2) without invoking exotic new theories.

A key outstanding challenge is to connect our model self-energy [which is valid in the overdoped region] to possible forms for the underdoped region where the pseudogap occurs.

We welcome comments.

1 comment:

  1. A key outstanding challenge is to connect our model self-energy [which is valid in the overdoped region] to possible forms for the underdoped region where the pseudogap occurs.

    Good luck with that.


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