Friday, April 11, 2014

How 5 years of blogging has changed me

Last month marked the 5 year anniversary of this blog. My first post was a tribute to Walter Kauzmann. In hindsight, after almost 1500 posts, I think that was a fitting beginning. Kauzmann represented many of the themes of the blog: careful and thorough scholarship, theory closely connected to experiment, simple understanding before computation, hydrogen bonding, fruitful interaction between chemistry and physics, ….

Reflecting on this anniversary I realised that writing the blog has had a significant influence on me. Writing posts forces one to be more reflective. I think I have a greater appreciation of
  • good science: solid and reproducible, influential, ...
  • how important it is to good science, rather than just publishing papers
  • how hard it is to do good science
  • today, the practise of science is increasingly broken
  • the bleak long-term job prospects on most young people in science
  • the danger and limitations of metrics for measuring research productivity and impact
  • the importance of simple models and physical pictures
  • diabatic states as a powerful conceptual, model building, and computational tool in chemistry
  • the importance of Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT)
  • bad metals as a unifying concept for strongly correlated metals
I thank all my readers, and particularly those who write comments.
I greatly value the feedback.
I do want to see more comments and discussion!


Emergence and continuous phase transitions in flatland

In two dimensions the phase transition that occurs for superfluids, superconductors, and planar classical magnets is qualitatively different...