Thursday, October 3, 2013

4 keys concepts: Colloquium in Ljubjlana

For the next two weeks I am visiting the Stefan Institute in Ljubjlana, Slovenia. My hosts are Peter Prelovsek and Jure Kokalj.

On thursday I am giving a Physics Colloquium in the Faculty of the University, "Bad metals, good superconductors, and quantum spin liquids."

Here is the current version of my slides. I am concerned the talk is not at a basic enough level for the general audience. I highlight four key concepts stimulated by the discovery of cuprate superconductivity:

  1. Mott insulator
  2. Superconductivity resulting from purely repulsive electronic interactions
  3. Quantum spin liquids
  4. Bad metals 
These all find a nice realisation in organic charge transfer salts.

Picture is of Lake Bled, near Ljubljana, which we visited last saturday.

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