Monday, February 7, 2011

Ban nLAs in talk and paper titles

Sorry! nLA= n-letter acronym
If you want to attract an audience to attend your talk, read your paper, and/or like your grant application, I would encourage you not to use acronym's (e.g., EPR, DFT, SA-CAS-SCF, DMFT, NOON, ADMR, etc.). The chances are most of the people not working on exactly the same topic will have no idea what you are talking about. If so, they will quickly lose interest and possibly resent being immediately excluded.

1 comment:

  1. If you want to attract an audience to attend your talk, read your paper, and/or like your grant application, I would encourage you not to use acronym's (e.g., EPR, DFT, SA-CAS-SCF, DMFT, NOON, ADMR, etc.). paper writing services


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