Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Emergent gauge fields in spin ices

Spin ices are magnetic materials in which geometrically frustrated magnetic interactions between the spins prevent long-range magnetic order and lead to a residual entropy similar to in ice (solid water).

Spin ices provide a beautiful example of many aspects of emergence, including how surprising new entities can emerge at the mesoscale. I think the combined experimental and theoretical work on spin ice was one of the major achievements of condensed matter physics in the first decade of this century.


Spin ices are composed of individual spins on a lattice. The system exhibits properties that the individual spins and the high-temperature state do not have. The novel properties can be understood in terms of an emergent gauge field. Novel entities include spin defects reminiscent of magnetic monopoles and Dirac strings.

State of matter

Spin ices exhibit a novel state of matter, the magnetic Coulomb phase. There is no long-range spin order, but there are power-law (dipolar) correlations that fall off as the inverse cube of distance.

Toy models

Classical models such as the Ising or Heisenberg models with antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbour interactions on the pyrochlore lattice exhibit the emergent physics associated with spin ices: absence of long-range order, residual entropy, ice type rules for local order, and long-range dipolar spin correlations exhibiting pinch points. These toy models can be used to derive the gauge theories that describe emergent properties such as monopoles and Dirac strings.

Actual materials that exhibit spin ice physics such as dysprosium titanate (Dy2Ti2O7) and holmium titanate (Ho2Ti2O7are more complicated. They involve quantum spins, ferromagnetic interactions, spin-orbit coupling, crystal fields, complex crystal structure and dipolar magnetic interactions. Chris Henley says these materials

"are well approximated as having nothing but (long-ranged) dipolar spin interactions, rather than nearest-neighbor ones. Although this model is clearly related to the “Coulomb phase,” I feel it is largely an independent paradigm with its own concepts that are different from the (entropic) Coulomb phase..."

Effective theory

Gauge fields described by equations analogous to electrostatics and magnetostatics in Maxwell’s electromagnetism are emergent in coarse-grained descriptions of spin ices. 

Consider a bipartite lattice where on each site we locate a tetrahedron. The "ice rules" require that two spins on each tetrahedron point in and two out. We can define a field L(i) on each lattice site i which is the sum of all the spins on the tetrahedron. The magnetic field B(r) is a coarse-graining of the field L(i). The ice rules and local conservation of flux require that 

The classical ground state of this model is infinitely degenerate. The emergent “magnetic” field [which it should be stressed is not a physical magnetic field] allows the presence of monopoles [magnetic charges]. These correspond to defects that do not satisfy the local ice rules in the spin system.

It can be shown that the total free energy of the system is

K is the "stiffness" or "magnetic permeability" associated with the gauge field. It is entirely of entropic origin, just like the elasticity of rubber.

[Aside: I would be curious to see a calculation of K from a microscopic model and an estimate from experiment. I have not stumbled upon one yet. Do you know of one? Henley points out that in water ice the entropic elasticity makes a contribution to the dielectric constant and this "has been long known."]

  A local spin flip produces a pair of oppositely charged monopoles. The monopoles are deconfined in that they can move freely through the lattice. They are joined together by a Dirac string.

This contrasts with real magnetism where there are no magnetic charges, only magnetic dipoles; one can view magnetic charges as confined within dipoles.

There is an effective interaction between the two monopoles [charges] that has the same form as Coulomb’s law.  There are only short-range (nearest neighbour) direct interactions between the spins. However, these act together to produce a long-range interaction between the monopoles (which are deviations from local spin order).


The novel properties of spin ice occur for both quantum and classical systems, Ising and Heisenberg spins, and for a range of lattices. The same physics occurs with water ice, magnetism, and charge order.

Modularity at the mesoscale

The system can be understood as a set of weakly interacting modular units. These include the tetrahedra of spins, the magnetic monopoles, and the Dirac strings. The measured temperature dependence of the specific heat of Dy2Ti2O7  is consistent with that calculated from Debye-Huckel theory for deconfined charges interacting by Coulomb's law, and shown as the blue curve below. The figure is taken from here.

Pinch points.

The gauge theory predicts that the spin correlation function (in momentum space) has a particular singular form exhibiting pinch points [also known as bow ties], which are seen experimentally.


Most new states of matter are not predicted theoretically. They are discovered by experimentalists, often by serendipity. Spin ice and the magnetic Coulomb phase seems to be an exception. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Sexy magnetic monopoles or boring old electrical charges?

I am hoping a reader than clarify this issue. What is wrong with the following point of view. In the discussion above the "magnetic field" B(r) could equally well be replaced with an "electric field" E(r). Then the spin defects are just analogous to electrical charges and the "Dirac strings" become like a polymer chain with opposite electrical charges at its two ends. This is not as sexy. 

Note that Chris Henley says Dirac strings are "a nebulous and not very helpful notion when applied to the Coulomb phase proper (with its smallish polarisation), for the string's path is not well defined... It is only in an ordered phase... that the Dirac string has a clear meaning."

Or is the emergent field actually "magnetic"? It describes spin defects and these are associated with a local magnetic moment. Furthermore, the long-range dipolar correlations (with associated pinch points) of the gauge field are detected by magnetic neutron scattering and so the gauge field should be viewed as "magnetic" and not "electric".

Emergent gauge fields in quantum many-body systems?

In spin ice, the emergent gauge field is classical and arises in a spin system that can be described classically. This does raise two questions that have been investigated extensively by Xiao-Gang Wen. First, he has shown how certain mean-field treatments of frustrated antiferromagnetic (with quantum spin liquid ground states) and doped Mott insulators lead to emergent gauge fields. As fascinating as his work is, it needs to be stressed that there is no definitive evidence for these emergent gauge fields. They just provide appealing theoretical descriptions. This is in contrast to the emergent gauge fields for spin ice.

Second, based on Wen's success at constructing these emergent gauge fields he has pushed provocative (and highly creative) ideas that the gauge fields and fermions that are considered "fundamental" in the standard model of particle physics may be emergent entities. This is the origin of the subtitle of his 2004 book, Quantum Field Theory of Many-body Systems: From the Origin of Sound to an Origin of Light and Electrons.

To prepare this post I found the articles below helpful.

Emergent particles and gauge fields in quantum matter

Ben J. Powell

Maxwell electromagnetism as an emergent phenomenon in condensed matter

J. Rehn and R. Moessner

The “Coulomb Phase” in Frustrated Systems

Chris Henley

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