Monday, April 29, 2024

Emergence of the arrow of time

Time has a direction. Microscopic equations of motion in classical and quantum mechanics have time-reversible symmetry. But this symmetry is broken for many macroscopic phenomena. This observation is encoded in the second law of thermodynamics. We experience the flow of time and distinguish past, present, and future. The arrow of time is manifest in phenomena that occur at scales covering many orders of magnitude. Here are some of these different arrows of time, listed in order of increasing time scales. These are discussed by Tony Leggett in chapter 5 of The Problems of Physics.

Elementary particle physics. CP violation is observed in certain phenomena associated with the weak nuclear interaction, such as the decay of neutral kaons observed in 1964. The CPT symmetry theorem shows that any local quantum field theory that is invariant under the “proper” Lorentz transformations must also be invariant under combined CPT transformations. This means that CP violation means that time-reversal symmetry is broken. In 1989, the direction violation of T symmetry was observed.

Electromagnetism. When an electric charge is accelerated an electromagnetic wave propagates out from the charge towards infinity. Energy is transferred from the charge to its environment. We do not observe a wave that propagates from infinity into the accelerating charge, i.e., energy being transferred from the environment to the charge. Yet this possibility is allowed by the equations of motion for electromagnetism. There is an absence of the “advanced” solution to the equations of motion. 

Thermodynamics. Irreversibility happens in isolated systems. Heat never travels from a cold body to a hotter one. Fluids spontaneously mix. There is a time ordering of the thermodynamic states of isolated macroscopic systems. The thermodynamic entropy encodes this ordering.

Psychological experience. We remember the past and think we can affect the future. We don’t think we can affect the past or know the future.

Biological evolution. Over time species adapt to their environment and become more complex and more diverse.

Cosmology. There was a beginning to the universe. The universe is expanding not contracting. Density perturbations grow independent of cosmic time (Hawking and Laflamme).

It is debatable to what extent these arrows of time are related to one another. 

The problem of how statistical mechanics connects time-reversible microscopic dynamics with macroscopic irreversibility is subtle and contentious. Joel Lebowitz claimed this problem was solved by Boltzmann, provided the distinction between typical and average behaviour are accepted, along with the Past Hypothesis. This states that the universe was initially in a state of extremely low entropy. David Wallace discussed the need to accept the idea of probabilities in law of physics and that the competing interpretations of probability as frequency or ignorance matter. In contrast, David Deutsch claims that the second law of thermodynamics is an “emergent law”: it cannot be derived from microscopic laws, like the principle of testability.

I find the Past Hypothesis fascinating because it connects the arrow of time seen in the laboratory and everyday life (time scales of microseconds to years) to cosmology, covering timescales of the lifetime of the universe (10^10 years) and the “initial” state of the universe, perhaps at the end of the inflationary epoch (10^-33 seconds). This also raises questions about how to formulate the Second Law and the concept of entropy in the presence of gravity and on cosmological length and time scales. 

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