Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Philosophers of science on which theories are fundamental

What is real? What is true? These big questions are central to philosophy and issues in the philosophy of science.

Emergent properties of complex systems raise similar philosophical questions such as  "What is fundamental?" and "Are quasiparticles real?".

Robert Batterman is a philosopher of science who is the author of the book,

The Devil in the Details: Asymptotic Reasoning in Explanation, Reduction, and Emergence

In 2017 Batterman wrote an article in an edition of the Journal of Statitiscal Physics that was in memory of Leo Kadanoff. 

Philosophical Implications of Kadanoff’s Work on the Renormalization Group

Below I reproduce some of the text as it provides a helpful (and disturbing) summary of how the philosophy of science has evolved.

There are very few natural philosophers anymore. The fields of philosophy and science parted company at the end of [the nineteenth] century. Philosophers more and more began to turn toward the disciplines of logic and the analysis of language, and their examination of the enterprise of science began to follow a different, less-engaged-with-scientific-detail, direction. They began to try to determine the logic and structure of scientific theorizing in a way that was much more arm-chair and much less concerned with details about individual theories. The aim was to construct or reconstruct the proper logical structures of scientific explanation, confirmation, and theory choice. The philosophical reconstructions were, by and large, designed to fit all empirical science. For example, an explanation in physics should share the same general (logical) form as explanations in biology, chemistry, or sociology. 

I find this problematic because how physicists and biologists do science and the knowledge that they produce is quite different. In fact, similar differences exist between elementary particle physics and condensed matter physics. That also applies to Batterman's next claim.

I think it is fair to say that from a philosophy of science point of view, physical theories are supposed to reflect our best attempts to understand nature. Philosophers are also enamored with the idea that theories have a certain logical structure—they can be written down in some kind of axiomatic form from which, given certain inputs, various features of physical systems (future states, e.g.) can be derived using logic and reasonably straightforward mathematics.

Furthermore, philosophers often distinguish fundamental from nonfundamental (or “phenomenological”) theories. This latter distinction presupposes the idea that fundamental theories are the ones that tell us really what nature is actually like at “bottom.” These presumably include, quantum theory, quantum field theory, maybe a theory of quantum gravity, etc.

In contrast, Bob Laughlin, argues that certain emergent properties are exact [such as quantisation of magnetic flux in a superconductor, hydrodynamics, sound waves] and so they are more fundamental than microscopic theories. [A Different Universe, pp. 36-40].

Batterman continues

Nonfundamental theories such as thermodynamics, continuum mechanics, and fluid dynamics, on the other hand, while pragmatically useful, are in a certain sense (exactly what sense is a matter of serious contention) superfluous. We could, in principle, solve problems involving the elastic bending of beams by starting from the fundamental atomic and subatomic theories of the constituents of the beam.

Nonfundamental theories don’t get nature right. Steel beams are not really the continua whose bending behaviors are described by the Navier–Cauchy equations. Gases are not continuous blobs of stuff. The important theories, according to many philosophers and, I believe, according to many physicists, are those that get the ontology right. In part, the (often unarticulated) reason for preferring fundamental theories over phenomenological theories is a realist presupposition that physical theories must accurately describe the world the way the world really is

 Perhaps the view that atoms are real but solids are not is reflected by Bertrand Russell in the opening paragraph of his book, The ABC of Atoms, published in 1923 and intended for popular audiences.

Phenomenological theories are often good for calculating, but they don’t accurately describe the world and so must, in a sense, play second fiddle to their fundamental partners.

This is also contentious. Thermodynamics, elasticity theory, and fluid dynamics are perfectly accurate and never wrong within their domain of validity. Many courses and texts on thermodynamics begin with the following quote from Einstein.

 A theory is the more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises, the more different kinds of things it relates, and the more extended its area of applicability. Therefore the deep impression that classical thermodynamics made upon me. It is the only physical theory of universal content which I am convinced will never be overthrown, within the framework of applicability of its basic concepts.

I should stress that Batterman is not agreeing with or promoting the views I have questioned above. Rather, he is trying to characterise what many philosophers believe.


  1. I started working in biosciences during grad school (first computational neuroscience, now an established career in infectious disease transmission) and I picked up a perspective that I’ve never seen articulated but feels really relevant. In biology, it’s often the case that the biophysics has evolved in service of some higher-level purpose, consistent with the lowest-level laws of physics, and so in some sense, both levels are fundamental.

    The example I worked on in grad school was “single neuron computation.” Our workaday biophysical description was based on ion channels in membranes, electrical potential changes, currents, ion gradients, etc all at 300 K. But, all that is arranged in very specific ways to perform specific computational tasks—encoding an input-output relation, identifying signal statistics, separating signal from noise, etc, all of which are described with very different mathematics.

    In sensory systems that are “close to the physics”, one can often predict aspects of the biophysics using ideas from information theory and Bayesian inference (like, the low-light sensitivity and specificity of the human retina for detecting single photons from a point source is about 85% of the theoretical optimum for detecting an excess photon on the blackbody background at 300 K).

    Which description is fundamental? The ion channels are doing physical chemistry, but the specific ratios of channels, actively-maintained ionic concentrations, thermodynamics of the configurational stabilities of the proteins that make up the channels, etc, are tuned by evolution to do specific computations.

    In that sense, both levels of description are truly fundamental I think. Neither makes sense without the other, even though neither is derivable from the other.*

    *While many argue that it’s all quantum fields, and certainly I’m amenable to that, those are also theories based on abstractions with domains of proven validity. We cannot derive biology from quantum physics, so the physicist in me says I don’t actually know if our field theories contain biology. I don’t mean that there might be some mystical dualism—that’s not compatible with my understanding of Nature—but that I don’t know that the effective theory for fundamental particles contains the effective theories for evolving biological systems.

  2. Hi Mike F., Thanks for the helpful and thoughtful comment. This is a nice specific example. Your perspective appears to be similar to mine. I tend to think that both the lower level and the higher level are "fundamental", particularly when each can be characterised by well-defined laws of wide applicability. But, I think all this highlights the need to be more precise what we mean by "fundamental". Different people have different perspectives and in the end it seems involve value judgement that is based on the aesthetics of a particular scientific community and individuals.

  3. Thanks for your post, Ross. For what it's worth, I think that Bob Batterman’s characterisation of the philosophy of science is more or less an accurate reflection of the current state of play. It is certainly the case that a significant proportion of philosophers that would consider themselves philosophers of science (i) have become over time much less acquainted with cutting-edge science, and (ii) are motivated by a naïve realist conceptualisation of nature. This does indeed lead the community towards what I think is an unhelpful distinction between ‘fundamental’ theories and otherwise.

    Having said that, I feel this characterisation is most appropriate for an older generation of philosophers of science and, in more recent times, the story is starting to change a bit. The sort of history Batterman's referring to happened across the middle decades of the 20th century, and it can be added to this history that there was a sharp realist reaction to sociological characterisations of science in the 1980s and 90s.

    My impression, and it’s only a personal one (so is biased by the sorts of philosophers of science with whom I associate regularly), is that today there are many more philosophers of science who are well engaged with the latest advances in the sciences, and hold a much more liberal conception of what our theories are telling us about the world and the way we relate to it. There are still significant sectors in contemporary philosophy (the so-called ‘analytic metaphysicians’) who continue to be stuck in what has variously (and pejoratively) been described as ‘scholastic metaphysics’, or the ‘philosophy of A-level chemistry’ – and I wouldn't call this the best model of the philosophy of science. But there’s also a growing community of good, scientifically respectable philosophers of science, too.

    There was an FQxI essay competition a few years back on the topic “What is fundamental?”, and there were some great entries that would showcase some of the ‘good’ philosophers of science on this point. I think Emily Adlam (who is definitely one such ‘good’ philosopher) was the winner of the competition. The best essays were turned into an edited collection: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-11301-8

    1. Hi Peter, Thanks for the very helpful and informative comment. I knew about the essay competition but did not know about the book collecting the best essays. It is excellent and very relevant. cheers, Ross


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