Friday, January 27, 2023

Science and the universe are awesome

Since we are surrounded by scientific knowledge. We are so used to it that we can take science for granted and not reflect on how amazing science truly is. And how amazing the universe is that science reveals. Things that we know, learn, and do today in science would have been inconceivable decades ago, let alone centuries ago.

What specific things do you think are particularly awesome? This question was stimulated by Frank Wilczek's recent book, Fundamentals: Ten Keys to Reality. In writing the book, he says "what began as an exposition grew into a contemplation."

 My answer to the question has some significant overlap with Wilczek's ten. 

Below I list some of the things that I find awesome. I consider two classes: what science can do and what we learn about the universe from science.

Science works! It is amazing what science can do.

We can understand the material world.

Einstein said, "The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible." In a previous post, I explored some different dimensions of the fact that the universe is comprehensible. The mystery includes human capabilities, both intellectual and physical, and the malleability of the material world.

We can make precise measurements.

Scientists have created incredibly powerful and specialised instruments for making very precise measurements such as spectrometers, telescopes and microscopes. Scientists can measure the tension in a single strand of DNA, the magnetic moment of an electron to a precision of one part in one billion billion, the spectrum of light emitted by a galaxy that is ten billion light years away, ...

We can predict the outcome of new experiments.

Scientists construct theories in their minds, on pieces of paper, in mathematical equations, and in computers. One way to evaluate the possible validity of a theory is to propose new experiments and predict the outcome. Famous examples include the existence of the chemical element aluminium, the existence of the planet Neptune, radio waves, a specific excited quantum state of the atomic nucleus of carbon atoms, the pollinator moth for Darwin's orchid, the deflection of the path of light from a distant star by our sun, gravitational waves, the Cosmic Microwave Background, quarks, the Higgs boson, the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition, the hexatic phase, edge states in integer spin antiferromagnetic chains, topological insulators, ... Predictions are particularly impressive when they are unexpected and controversial.

We can use mathematics. 

Eugene Wigner received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963. In 1960 he published an essay "The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences that concludes

The miracle of the appropriateness of the language of mathematics for the formulation of the laws of physics is a wonderful gift which we neither understand nor deserve. 

We can manipulate and control nature.

Scientists and engineers can move single atoms, design drugs, make computers, build atom bombs, heart pacemakers, and mobile phones, manipulate genes, ......

We know so much but we know so little. 

On the one hand, the achievements of science are amazing. Yet, in spite of this, there are still significant mysteries and challenges. Examples include the nature of dark matter or human consciousness, a quantum theory of gravity, fine-tuning of fundamental constants, the quantum-classical boundary, protein folding, the nature of glasses, and how to calculate the properties of complex systems.

It is awesome what science reveals to us about the universe.

The immense scales of the observable universe

Our sun is just one star among the more than two hundred billion that make up our galaxy, the Milky Way. And that is just one of one trillion galaxies in the whole universe. It takes light from the most distant galaxies tens of billions of years to travel to us.

Length, time, and energy scales over many many orders of magnitude

These go far beyond our everyday experience and what we can see with the naked eye (from a millimetre to a kilometre). On the large scale, the visible universe involves distances of billions of light years (10^25 metres). On the small scale, there is the sub-structure of nucleons, which is smaller than femtometres (10^-15 m).  This wide range of length scales is nicely illustrated in the wonderful movie Powers of Ten and its update, The Cosmic Eye. There are corresponding time, energy, and temperature scales varying over many many orders of magnitude. For example, as one goes from ultracold atomic gases to quark-gluon plasmas, the  relevant energy and temperature scales vary over more than 20 orders of magnitude! At every scale, there are distinct phenomena and structures. 

Universal laws that are simple to state

The universe exhibits a diversity of rich and complex behaviour. Yet it can understand much of it in terms of simple universal laws that are easy to state, e.g., Newton's laws of motion, the laws of thermodynamics, Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism, Schrodinger's equation of quantum mechanics, the genetic code, ....  And, these are just a few of these laws. One does not need a multitude of laws to describe a multitude of instances of a multitude of phenomena.

Just a few building blocks

There are just a few fundamental particles in the standard model (leptons, neutrinos, and gauge bosons). Everything is made of them. They are the building blocks of atoms. They each have just a few physical properties: charge, spin, mass, and colour. Every single particle of a particular type in the universe has exactly the same properties. Exactly. As far as we know, they have been exactly the same throughout time, going back to the beginning of the universe, and whether they are in your body, or in a star in a distant galaxy.

Atoms are the building blocks of chemical compounds. Every single atom of a particular chemical element (and nuclear isotope) is absolutely identical. This allows astronomers to determine the chemical composition of distant stars, galaxies, and dust clouds.

Humans, plants, and animals all have the same molecular building blocks and there are just a few of them. Any DNA molecule is composed of just four different base pairs (denoted A, G, T, C) and proteins are composed of just twenty different amino acids.

There are two amazing things here. First, there are just so few building blocks. Second, every one of these building blocks is absolutely identical.

Emergence: simple rules produce complex behaviour

Humans, cells, and crystals can be viewed as systems composed of many interacting components. The components and their interactions can often be understood and described in simple terms. Nevertheless, from these interactions complex structures and properties can emerge.

Nature appears to be fine-tuned for life

This covers not just the values of fundamental physical constants that lead to the notion of fine-tuning and the anthropic principle. Water has unique physical and chemical properties that allow it to play a crucial role in life, such as the surface of lakes freezing before the bottom and aiding protein folding.

The intricate and subtle "machinery" of biomolecules

Proteins have very unique structures that are intimately connected to their specific functions, whether as catalysts or light sensors.

What do you think are the most amazing things about science and what we learn from it?

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Condensed Matter Physics: A Very Short Introduction; almost there...

The publication of my book has been delayed a couple of months. It is now due for release in February in the UK and May in the USA.

It is available for pre-order.

If you are teaching a course for which the book could potentially be one of the texts you can request a free inspection copy.

OUP has produced a nice flyer to promote the book.

Monday, January 23, 2023

The green comet and quantum chemistry

The comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) getting a lot of attention, pointed out to me by my friend Alexey. Why is it green? This basic question turns out to be scientifically rich and has only recently been answered.

The green glow comes from a triplet excited state of diatomic carbon, C2. This got my interest because a decade ago I blogged on debates by quantum chemists about whether C2 involves a quadruple bond. Back in 1995, Roald Hoffmann wrote an interesting column in The American Scientist (and reproduced in his beautiful book Same and Not the Same) about the molecule and how it is present in various organometallic compounds and inorganic crystals.

Recent advances in understanding the photophysics of C2 were reported in 2021 in this paper.

Photodissociation of dicarbon: How nature breaks an unusual multiple bond

Jasmin Borsovszky, Klaas Nauta, Jun Jiang, Christopher S. Hansen, Laura K. McKemmish, Robert W. Field, John F. Stanton, Scott H. Kable, and Timothy W. Schmidt 

Here is a summary of the significance and content of the paper from Chemistry World. dicarbon streams out of the comet core, it is destroyed by sunlight – this is why the comet tail, unlike the coma, is colourless. However, the precise mechanism of this supposed photodissociation had remained unclear.

Researchers in Australia and the US have now for the first time observed diatomic carbon’s photodissociation in the lab. The team produced dicarbon by photolysing tetrachloroethylene, and then breaking it apart with laser pulses. This allowed them to determine its bond dissociation energy with the same precision as for oxygen and nitrogen. Previous measurements for dicarbon had uncertainties an order of magnitude higher than for other diatomic molecules.

To break its quadruple bond, the molecule must absorb two photons and undergo two ‘forbidden’ transitions, those that break spectroscopic rules. Cometary dicarbon, the researchers calculated, has a lifetime of around two days until sunlight breaks it apart – the reason why its colour is visible in the coma but not in the tail.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Some amazing things about the universe that make science possible

 This post takes off from the following Einstein quotes.

"The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible"

from "Physics and Reality"(1936), in Ideas and Opinions, trans. Sonja Bargmann (New York: Bonanza, 1954), p292.

"...I consider the comprehensibility of the world (to the extent that we are authorized to speak of such a comprehensibility) as a miracle or as an eternal mystery. Well, a priori, one should expect a chaotic world, which cannot be grasped by the mind in any way .. the kind of order created by Newton's theory of gravitation, for example, is wholly different." 

Letters to Solovine, New York, Philosophical Library, 1987, p 131.

There are several dimensions to the comprehensibility of the universe. The dimension highlighted by Einstein is that there is order in the world, reflected in laws that can be succinctly stated and mathematically encoded. These laws seem to hold for all time and everywhere in the universe. Here I suggest there are three other dimensions that make science possible. 

A second amazing dimension is that humans have the rational ability to do science: to reason, to understand, to communicate, and to make instruments such as telescopes and microscopes. There seems to be somewhat of a match between the rationality of the universe and human rationality. This is written in the spirit of arguments about fine-tuning, where one imagines alternative universes.

Humans could have been different. Suppose that the amount and variation of human intelligence (at least that aspect of intelligence relevant to doing science) were different, and the mean and standard deviation were lower. Suppose that intelligence was lower so that there were no brilliant humans like Darwin, Einstein, Newton, Pauling, ... In fact, suppose that even the brightest people were as good at science as I am at music and dancing. Scientific progress would be rather limited.

But it is not just human intelligence that matters. A third amazing dimension is that of manual dexterity. I am "all thumbs" and not particularly good in the lab. There are some gifted experimentalists with an outstanding ability to do things most people cannot, even with training. Such abilities allow them to fabricate precision instruments, grow crystals, see faint images, ... If some humans did not have such abilities scientific progress would have been much slower, or possibly non-existent.

A fourth crucial dimension concerns the availability and processability of certain materials that are central to scientific progress. Making instruments requires particular materials such as metals, glass, and semiconductors. Suppose we lived in a world where some of these were very rare or just could not be processed to the purity or malleability required.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

A light slow start to the year

Best wishes for the New Year!

Over the holidays my son introduced me to the humorous wonders of Philomena Cunk. Here is a short sample.

Superconductivity: a poster child for emergence

Superconductivity beautifully illustrates the characteristics of emergent properties. Novelty.  Distinct properties of the superconducting s...