Tuesday, May 11, 2021

What to read after A Very Short Introduction?

On friday I finally sent my draft manuscript for Condensed Matter Physics: A Very Short Introduction off to the publisher. Yay!

At the end of the book there is the opportunity to make suggestions for what people might read next (assuming readers have been so inspired!).

This was not easy to write for condensed matter as there is a dearth of popular and accessible books. Here is my draft of Further Reading. What do you think?

Three years ago I asked about basic introductions to condensed matter for motivated and intelligent beginning undergrads and received some helpful suggestions. From this I will add to my list 

Fundamentals of Condensed Matter and Crystalline Physics: An Introduction for Students of Physics and Materials Science by David Sidebottom.

I welcome further suggestions.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How about Andrew Zangwill's biography of Philip Anderson? It gives a good tour of many technical topics without seeming as intimidating as a purely technical source.

    1. Hi David,

      I do list the book in the further reading under biographies. However, I should annotate it that it is also an excellent and engaging introduction to CMP itself. Thanks.


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