Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Nobel Prize predictions for 2020

It is that time of year again. My physics predictions are the same as last year.

For physics this year I predict
Experiments for testing Bell inequalities and elucidating the role of entanglement in quantum physics
Alain Aspect, John Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger
They received the Wolf Prize in 2010, a common precursor to the Nobel. 

My personal preference for the next Nobel for CMP would be centred around Kondo physics since that is such a paradigm for many-body physics, maybe even comparable to BCS.

Kondo effect and heavy fermions
Jun KondoFrank Steglich, David Goldhaber-Gordon

Arguably the latter two might be replaced with others who worked on heavy fermions and/or Kondo in quantum dots.
Steglich discovered heavy fermion superconductivity.
Goldhaber-Gordon realised tuneable Kondo and Anderson models in quantum dots (single-electron transistors).

Unlike many, I still remain to be convinced that topological insulators are worthy of a Nobel.

How about other prizes?

The nomination deadline was January 31, before most people appreciated the significance of covid-19. I predict next year that their will be at least one prize (Chemistry, Medicine, Economics, or Peace) relating to public health and/or viruses. One possibility would be Bill and Melinda Gates for Peace.

Here are a few unusual suggestions.

Literature: Lin-Manuel Miranda for Hamilton

Peace (more likely next year): Colin Kaepernick and/or Black Lives Matter, Joshua Wong and/or other Hong Kong protestors, Jacinda Ardern.

On peace, here are some other ideas.

What do you think?

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