Thursday, March 5, 2020

The quantum physics of life in red and green

Life is truly amazing!
Life is beautiful!
...and it involves quantum many-body physics...

There is a beautiful (short) review
Heme: From quantum spin crossover to oxygen manager of life 
Kasper Kepp

The article involves a plethora of topics that I have discussed before on this blog. I have included relevant links.

Kepp starts with the unique (chemically fine-tuned) properties of both iron and porphyrin that enable them to play a central role in two of the most important processes in life: respiration and photosynthesis. He has a beautiful paragraph (perhaps in the style of Roald Hoffmann):
Such ligand-field transitions of iron in porphyrin were familiar to our ancestors as the characteristic red color of blood that largely defines the human psychological and cultural connotations of the color representing courage, war, danger, and suffering. 
Incidentally, pi-pi* transitions within the porphyrin-derived chlorophylls are also responsible for the green color of plants, associated with nature, life and hope, so the reader may perhaps agree that porphyrin has had vast (but alas! rarely appreciated) cultural consequences.
The oxygen molecule is a spin triplet.
Iron(II) porphyrin is in a triplet spin state (S=1). The Fe(II) is a d6 configuration in a D_4h crystal field.
When they bind together the ground state is a spin-singlet.

There are two fundamental quantum chemistry questions that are discussed.

1. What is the electronic structure (many-body wave function) of the ground state for oxygen bound to heme?

2. What is the mechanism for the ``spin-forbidden'' transition of the oxygen binding?

The first question has a long history. Like almost anything important and profound in quantum chemistry it goes back to Linus Pauling! In 1936 Pauling and Coryell argued that the ground state is
essentially a neutral O=O binding with two of its electrons to iron to produce a formally iron(II) if both the bonding electrons were confined to O2, corre- sponding to the non-bonding limit of neutral parts, but a formally iron(I) if the Fe–O bond were to be considered covalent. 
In 1960, McClure suggested a valence-bond formulation based on triplet–triplet coupling, which is appealing by the low promotion energies required to access these states, rather than the singlet states. In 1964, Weiss suggested, based on analogy to chemical reactions in aqueous solution, that the true ferrous hemeO2 adduct was mainly of the superoxo-iron(III) type caused by ‘‘electron transfer” from iron to O2. 
Goddard and Olafson suggested an ozone model of the adduct in 1975 which emphasized the four-electron three-center bond with maintained triplet state of dioxygen as in the McClure model with less electronic reorganization to explain the reversible binding. 
In 1977, Pauling maintained his original view again, the same year that Huynh, Case, and Karplus did a first attempt to bridge these views by performing early quantum chemical calculations that diplomatically emphasized the importance of both Weiss and Pauling resonance forms. 
However, interpretation depends on model language, orbital localization, and transformation between valence bond and orbital formalisms:  
In terms of molecular orbital theory, the wave function was a multi-configurational state dominated by the Pauling configuration; however, if one uses valence bond theory considerations, it can be interpreted as having large Weiss character. Thus, the multi-configurational state produced from CASPT2 is interpreted differently by different models. This partly explains why the trenches were so deeply dug during the exchange between Pauling, Goddard, McClure, and Weiss; all were right, and all were wrong. 
This is just another example of unnecessary conflicts about valence bond vs. molecular orbital (VB vs. MO). 
In terms of valence structures, the ground state was summarized by Shaik and Chen as having contributions from both Weiss, Pauling, and McClure forms, the first .. dominating. 
Ironically DFT ends up providing a useful language after all! 
The charge assignments to O2 are very dependent on calculation scheme, and both the orbitals, valence structures, and atomic charges that defined the Weiss-Pauling debate are non-observable. In contrast, the electron density is observable as are the geometries and spectroscopic data...
Molecular orbitals are not physical observables but calculational constructs. MO's don't exist.

In different words, one can take a many-body wave-function and make a linear unitary transformation of the molecular orbitals. The Slater determinants do not change. [The value of a determinant is invariant to a change of basis.]

Now. Question 2.
What is the mechanism for the ``spin-forbidden'' transition of the oxygen binding?

Kepp talks about spin-orbit coupling and the fact that it is small for oxygen, motivating a discussion of a "broad crossing mechanism".  However, I am not sure this is relevant. I don't see the binding as necessarily spin forbidden. As the oxygen approaches the heme the two triplet states can mix to form a total spin singlet.
This is analogous to bringing two hydrogen atoms (each of which is spin 1/2) together to form a hydrogen molecule (which is spin zero). A multi-configurational wavefunction has no problem with this. But DFT-based approximations, which use a single determinant cannot describe this smooth crossover.

Other things of particular interest to me that are discussed in the review include the central role of back bonding and the success of the TPSSh functional in DFT calculations for organometallics.

Unfortunately, the review does not mention recent work by Weber et al, applying DMFT to the problem of oxygen binding to haemoglobin.

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