Friday, January 22, 2016

Spin-orbit coupling and "triplet" superconductivity

My collaborators and I just finished a paper

Spin-orbit coupling and odd-parity superconductivity in the quasi-one-dimensional compound Li0.9Mo6O17
Christian Platt, Weejee Cho, Ross H. McKenzie, Ronny Thomale, and Sri Raghu

Here is the abstract.

We welcome any comments.
One thing I learnt and found interesting what the unusual spin-orbit coupling that arises due to lack of inversion symmetry in the four-atom unit cell. I will post separately about that next week as the story of the corresponding coupling in graphene is an interesting one.


  1. Majorana fermions can arise in spin-triplet superconductors (in a topological regime), p-wave superconducting can be induced with a s-wave superconductor and a wire with SO coupling, but i believe that you known that, my question is: In a future work, do you will talk about Topological regime and Majorana fermions?

    1. Thanks for your interest.
      We don't have such future plans. I am not sure we have much to add to previous work.


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