Monday, November 16, 2015

Hydrogen bonding talks in Delhi

Today I am giving a seminar "Effect of Quantum Nuclear Motion on Hydrogen Bonding" in the Chemistry Department at IIT Delhi. My host is Charusita Chakravarty.

On thursday I am giving a similar talk in a seminar in the School of Physical Sciences at JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University). There my host is Brijesh Kumar.

Here is the current version of the slides.


  1. Hello professor Mckenzie,

    I've found your blog post very interesting. A couple of years back you had posted a blog about challenges in organic crystal structure prediction. I'm actually now doing my postdoc research in one of the group here in UK doing crystal structure predictions. I actually would like to hear more about this from you as a theoretical physicist. How do you think the ability for one being able to predict organic crystal structure would help physicists solving some of the ongoing problems in solid states. As it seems like the predominant audience for CSP were chemists.

    I got my PhD in UNSW doing first-principle simulation of inorganic solids, which were quite physics-oriented. Now I am doing my postdoc in organic CSP, and I'm very interested in combing CSP with physics for de novo material design, and perhaps bring it back to Australia. I'm wondering if you, as a well-established academics, would share some more thoughts on this problem? For example, in the wave of big-data science and computer-aided material discovery, how can Australian scientists make some unique contributions to the field?

    (sorry if this seems unrelated to your current post).



  2. I like the diagram that was in the slides, how can I provide links to it from diagram community ?


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