Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Emergent quantum matter at JNU

Today I am giving a seminar on Emergent Quantum Matter in the School of Physical Sciences at JNU. My host is Brijesh Kumar. Here are the slides.

Last time I gave this talk, someone asked the tricky and controversial question "Is ferromagnetism an example of spontaneously broken symmetry?" Peierls said yes. Anderson says no. I previously discussed their exchange here.

Aside. One thing I  enjoy about JNU is the very large posters that student political activists have placed on buildings. Many contain challenging quotations that are worth considering, such as this one.


  1. Yes, JNU has this nice culture of keeping us aware of the problems of the world (if not solve them).

  2. Wow.
    I especially like the second one in this election frenzy in the US (as it's not an election season anymore...).

    There is something like that in The Netherlands, with now apparently an English version as well:
    A bit more attuned to the news cycle, but with a critical philosophic approach.
    I don't always agree, but at least their posters make you think.


Weather, chaos, and emergence

Weather involves many scales of distance, time, and energy. Describing weather means making decisions about what range of scales to focus o...