Friday, March 25, 2022

Anthony Jacko (1985-2022): condensed matter theorist

I was very sad when last week I learned of the death of Anthony Jacko, a former member of the Condensed Matter Theory group at UQ. He was only 36 years old, having been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at the end of last year.

Jacko's funeral was this week. Family and friends spoke warmly of his intelligence, humour, faithfulness, passion for life, and endearing quirkiness. There were both tears and laughs.

I will say something here about his scientific contributions, though at times like this what we achieve professionally does not really seem that important.

I first met Jacko as an undergraduate at UQ when he took an advanced undergraduate condensed physics course with me in 2006. That year he did an undergraduate honours (fourth year) project with Ben Powell and John Fjaerestad, on the Kadowaki-Woods ratio. This work eventually led to a Nature Physics paper, that I discussed in this blog post.

In 2007 I was quite happy when Jacko decided to do a Ph.D. with me and Ben Powell. We tried to come up with simple effective Hamiltonians for organometallic complexes that are used in organic LEDs and solar cells. Although we made some progress, I think the questions we tried to address have still not been answered definitively. The most progress has subsequently been made by Ben Powell.

For a postdoc, Jacko moved to Frankfurt to work with Roser Valenti and Harald Jeschke (now at Okayama University). I was really impressed how Jacko learned how to do reliable DFT-based electronic structure calculations and to use Wannier orbitals to extract tight-binding model parameters. Jacko brought this expertise back to Ben Powell's group at UQ, where he worked from 2013 to 2018.

During that time Jacko co-authored a string of really nice papers that inspired me to write multiple blog posts, such as those below. Looking back over that work I see how careful, solid, and systematic it is. Basically, good science, that we do not see enough of these days.

The broad issue is as follows. Understanding strong electron correlations in complex molecular materials requires effective Hamiltonians that are a realistic representation of the essential physics and chemistry. Sometimes next-nearest-neighbour interactions and subtleties in crystal structure really do matter. Other times they do not. The methods used by Jacko provided a robust way of doing this.

Faculty hope that former students will come to their funeral. We also hope that we won't have to attend the funeral of any of our students. It is very sad.

An endowment is being created at The University of Queensland, to fund an undergraduate physics prize that will be awarded each year in honour of Jacko.

My condolences to Jacko's partner, Alana, and to family and friends.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Predicting new states of quantum matter is highly unlikely

Last year New Scientist published a nice article by Jon Cartwright

States of matter: The unthinkable forms beyond solid, liquid and gas

From time crystals to supersolids, we keep discovering extraordinary new kinds of matter – now the true challenge is being able to predict what we'll find next

Unlike the typical New Scientist article, this one is a measured and reasonable discussion about reality, rather than the latest wild and breathless speculations that the magazine is rife with. Unfortunately, it is behind a paywall.

I was interviewed for the article, which ends (see below) by contrasting my pessimism with the optimism of Andrei Bernevig. His optimism is based on this recent paper that reports a systematic identification of stoichiometric compounds that have topological bands and so can support topological states of matter. That is important and wonderful work. But, it is looking at what can be considered a "one-electron" problem, and so does not shake my pessimism. I do hope I am wrong.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Unusual metal-insulator transitions arising from interplay of frustration, flat bands, and strong correlations

My colleagues and I recently posted a preprint

C3 symmetry breaking metal-insulator transitions near a flat band in the half-filled Hubbard model on the decorated honeycomb lattice

H. L. Nourse, Ross H. McKenzie, B. J. Powell

We study the single-orbital Hubbard model on the half-filled decorated honeycomb lattice. In the non-interacting theory at half-filling, the Fermi energy lies within a flat band where strong correlations are enhanced and the lattice exhibits frustration. We find a correlation driven first-order metal-insulator transition to two different insulating ground states - a dimer valence bond solid Mott insulator when inter-triangle correlations dominate, and a broken C3 symmetry antiferromagnet that arises from frustration when intra-triangle correlations dominate.

The metal-insulator transitions into these two phases have very different characters. 

The metal-broken C3 antiferromagnetic transition is driven by spontaneous C3 symmetry breaking that lifts the topologically required degeneracy at the Fermi energy and opens an energy gap in the quasiparticle spectrum. 

The metal-dimer valence bond solid transition breaks no symmetries of the Hamiltonian. It is caused by strong correlations renormalizing the electronic structure into a phase that is adiabatically connected to both the trivial band insulator and the ground state of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg model in the relevant parameter regime. 

Therefore, neither of these metal-insulator transitions can be understood in either the Brinkmann-Rice or Slater paradigms.

We welcome comments.

Superconductivity: a poster child for emergence

Superconductivity beautifully illustrates the characteristics of emergent properties. Novelty.  Distinct properties of the superconducting s...