Thursday, March 14, 2019

Imaging orbital-selective quasi-particles in a Hund's metal

Over the past two decades, a powerful new technique has been developed to determine quasi-particle properties in strongly correlated electron systems, based on STM (scanning tunneling microscope) measurements. Quasi-particle interference (QPI) has proved to be particularly useful for studying cuprates (e.g. in revealing the d-wave pairing) and now for iron-based superconductors. The basic physics is as follows. One measures the changes in the local tunneling density of states N(r,E), associated with a single impurity that scatters quasi-particles with a change in momentum q. Then the Fourier transform of this change is

The text above is taken from a nice paper
Imaging orbital-selective quasiparticles in the Hund’s metal state of FeSe 
A. Kostin, P.O. Sprau, A. Kreisel, Yi Xue Chong, A.E. Böhmer, P.C. Canfield, P.J. Hirschfeld, B.M. Andersen and J.C. Séamus Davis

They show theoretically that the intensity of the interference pattern is quite sensitive to the quasi-particle weights of the different d-orbital bands. The experiments are consistent with
The key figure is below. It shows shaded intensity plots of the change in DOS as a function of wavevector. The central column is experimental data with E increasing from -20 meV to +15 meV as one goes down the column. The left and right columns show theoretical values for the same quantities, calculated with all the quasi-particle weights Z=1 (left) and the Z values above (right).   


The large variation between the Z values for different orbitals shows how the effect of the correlations are orbital selective.

The same Z values were used by the same cast of characters in a study of the superconducting state that showed orbital selectivity played a key role in the Cooper pairing, including the significant variation of the energy gaps over the different Fermi surfaces. The quantitative agreement between experiment and the associated theory is quite impressive.

I thank Alejandro Mezio for bringing the papers to my attention.

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